
Thursday, 3 May 2012

The World's Best Friend

World’s Best Friends

L.I To use the format language features of a recipe




Step 1 Step 2

Go out and find   Go and find more people at
a boy or girl and ask school and also ask the
what  their name   same thing as yesterday
and maybe you can and don’t forget to have
ask what school lunch with them and ask
they go to. how old they are.

Step 3 Step 4

Tell yourself that you Find out what your friend
will find a friend that like and maybe you
shares stuff with you could send them a
and would like to go x-mas present or
movies to. a little surprise.

Step 5 Step 6
Ask your friend if they want to Since you now have
go movies or invite them to a friend you can still find
birthday party or go shopping friends but spend your time
with them. with your friend. .