
Friday, 26 July 2013

Sugata Mitra Information Report

Agents of Change can make a difference in children’s education

Sir Sugata Mitra was the first ever to introduce technology to places where they don’t have running water, electricity and many more, his experiment was about the hole in the wall.  So he decided to stick a computer in the wall, and when the children saw this they started playing around with it and as soon as they got used to it, they started teaching each others.  This experiment has helped a lot of kids learn English and explore something that they've never explored before.

Sugata Mitra’s vision was to make changes in children's lives and move them up to the next level in their learning, and therefore he is now known as an agent of change because of what he did.  He has achieved his vision by sticking a computer in a wall and called it “ a hole in the wall.”   Later on as people got used to these kind of technology he stuck one in the middle of a village, and it started becoming useful to families.

The effect on the village is that they could speak English and has definitely moved them up to the next level with their English.  A lot of these children learnt English without a teacher, but worked collaboratively together.

Sir Sugata Mitra replace teachers with computers and made it better for the children to learn and work clabretivly, but they didn't work all by themselves they would go on Skype everyday and talk to nannies in England.  They don’t tell them what to do they encourage, and support them, and they are known as nanny clouds.

Sir Sugata Mitra has changed a lot of children's lives and introduced technology to places where they didn't have any, and is now known as an agent of change.  People have experience his work and learnt a lot of new things and hopefully it will encourage more kids into learning.

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