
Monday 25 November 2013

Personal Goals T4

Reflecting and Goal Setting
Term 3-4

This term I learnt more about the New Zealand landforms by reading stories on mountains, finding more facts on the internet and by listening to other peoples story.

My reading goal for Term 4 is to read and understand what I am reading and to skim and scan quickly when looking for information.
To achieve my goal I will need to keep reading at home and tell someone at home what I am reading.
This term I learnt more about information reports and working collaboratively to complete it, and also finding more information on the report we were writing and writing it in our own words.

My writing goal for Term 4 is to write everything in my own words, keep writing ta home and us for powerful words.
To achieve my goal I will need to keep writing at home and ues more powerful words.
This term I learnt more about fractions, multiplication, division and percentages, for percentages we had to use our times tables and we also used blocks to help us.

My maths goal for Term 4 is to listen carefully so I understand what I am going to do and learn my times tables so I know it very well.
To achieve my goal I will need to learn my times tables at home and tell someone at home what we did at school so they can help me with something that I am stuck on.

My personal goal for Term 4 is  to behave more better, listen to the teacher more often and to show good model to young journeys.
To achieve my goal I will need to listen, do as what I have been told, learn my times tables, keep reading and to keep writing at home.

Here is my Term 4's goal settings and it talks about what I will do this term to achieve everything  I need to know before I get to college.

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